Sunday, January 31, 2021

Canvas, the Kickstarter game

A long time ago I pledged on Kickstarter to back a game. Totally an Andrew thing to do. Anyway, two days ago it finally came in the mail. 

It's called Canvas, and in it you are painting pictures by putting three transparent cards over one another. Each card has cool unique artwork and also symbols at the bottom for Hue, Shape, Texture, and Tone. When you finish a piece of art it scores ribbons depending on which artistic qualities it matches, which the scoring cards determine. There are 12 different scoring cards, and you play with 4 of them, so there's a lot of variety in which opportunities are avaible and what you might want your artwork to look like.

Henry and I have played two games.

Some pictures.

Page from the rulebook.

The twelve different scoring cards you can pick from.
The rulebook has nine suggested sets to use.

The rules suggest for younger players to only use 2 scoring cards:
the Composition card and the Variety card.

You use the painting pallets the same way you can use gems in
Golem Century: Spice Road to get cards farther from the left.

Both of us now have one finished piece of art.


My final artworks.

Henry's final artworks.

I only won by 2 points. (Of course, I was helping out Henry too.)

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