Sunday, January 10, 2021

Waters of Mormon prototype

 Behold, the prototype for Waters of Mormon.

Playtested and fixed some rules up from its first inception. Made the die a 1-3 die, with each number appearing twice, rather than a 1-6 die. Had to change the layout of some tiles. Playtested and changed the frequency of tiles with certain patterns to make the game more fun. Added the idea that different colors had different starting and ending spaces to make the game more fair and have not everyone going to the same place so it's more interesting, like a Chinese Checkers effect.

Speaking of Chinese, mom, do you know what these translate to?

To answer the questions left in the comments of my last blog post, yes, I did submit the idea, and yes, the company did get back to me. He asked me questions and wants to know more about the game so I'm making a short little YouTube video that explains some stuff. 


  1. Excellent! No, I don't recognize the word...though I do recognize the two components of the last one, but that didn't help. Sorry.

    1. Anything to do with A 113 by chance?

    2. 一百十三 is 113 so I don't know what to think but I'm guessing not.
