Sunday, February 7, 2021

Braid, Azul, flamingos, and pirates

I'm almost done with my newest youtube video. It's a video essay on how the indie game Braid is the closest video game that exists to being Christopher Nolan's Tenet video game.

Heather and I have played a lot of games of Azul: Stained Glass since I got it for Christmas. 

Our bishop today said that soon they'd lift more restrictions and allow Sunday School/Relief Society Elder's Quorum in future Sundays. 

Heather got some free passes to go ot the Phenix Zoo so yesterday all four of us went to the Zoo.

I want to make a game where it's like a logic puzzle. Sort of like Minesweeper I guess but can be played with more than two players and has a theme to it. The Shipwreck Arcana is a good logic puzzle game but that's co-operative. My first idea is a pirate-themed game where you choose which coordinates on a map you've hidden your treasure and the other players can work out clues to figure it out. But you also have pieces moving around the map and you can pillage and fight other pirates and stuff so finding the location of everyone's elses treasure is just one path to victory not the only one. I don't know, those are just my half-formed thoughts.

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