Sunday, September 15, 2019

The post with many pictures

First things first--Heather beat me in a game of Alhambra. Again.

Here is a picture of a Temple.

And it rained and there was a rainbow!

And here's some pictures of Joy because Joy is cute.

And here's a picture of some poop because who doesn't love looking at pictures of poop? At any rate, Joy has been so enthralled at Henry using the potty that she feels she has to too, so we got her a little unicorn baby potty. She actually uses it, too, as evidenced by said picture.

And now some more pictures of our wonder children.

Also, I've been reading the book we're doing for our Junior English class out loud and recording them. They are now on my YouTube channel if you want to check them out.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Loved your Anthem reading. Makes me want to read the book. Thanks for all the photos!
