Sunday, September 8, 2019

Game ideas I have

One of my favorite game pieces is colored dice. I love colored dice. Just the sheer amount of awesome things you can do with colored dice makes my mouth water. Well, not only do I have a whole ton of colored dice, but also a whole ton of colored meeples. The question is now: what sort of awesome game can I create using 100 colored dice and 100 colored meeples? The kind of question that makes a person like me super excited.

One really fun game I made growing up was Lost: The board game. I still love the idea of three different pieces, triangle, square, and circle, and rolling three dice and moving three pieces. In fact, 90% of that idea I want to reimplement some time. Maybe take out the Clue theme idea, and go to Victory points such as San Juan.

Found my old notes to Thousand Faces, the card game based off of Hero with A Thousand Faces. I’m teaching the hero’s journey to my Seniors the next few weeks, so I might have to dust it off.

No idea if this above video will work, but I'll put it up. Joy is getting so big!

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