Sunday, December 3, 2017

Oathbringer, Christmas coming up, behind on everything

Heather's sister Heidi is in town until the 7th this week to help out.

Oathbringer. So how do the Kindle Fires my family has work? Because I had assumed they were all connected somehow, like if one person purchased a book the other Kindles could access it too? But Eric said he got Calvin on his and I didn't get access to it; took me over a year to get it from the library to read. So if somebody bought Oathbringer as a Kindle Fire book, could I get access to it to read it? And if so, how?

Christmas is coming up pretty soon. Again. It seems like the years just slide on by faster and faster. It's actually pretty scary. I think it has to do with each year being a smaller percentage of one's life, like how to a one year old, one more year is half their life, whereas to a 27 year old, one more year is simply just a twenty-eighth of his life.

Another year gone and still no game published. Although this year I did get pretty close with Somerset. I'm still working on games in my spare time. Not that I have any spare time any more. But you know what they say about hobbies: a hobby isn't something you do in your spare time, a hobby is something you make time for.

I'm behind in grading papers and tests for my 7th graders. That and I'm behind in reading Things That Don't Even Come Back Around; we only just met the tooth fairy where I'm at in reading. And I'm behind in, pretty much everything else. It's like I have all this stuff I have to do but can only do one thing at a time. Thankfully Heidi is here and she helped fold the laundry I did a few days ago and piled up on the couch, and I washed the dishes in half the sink, so that's something.

Joy mostly just eats and sleeps and poops. Which Im fine with, because she's so cute and adorable. I would put up more pictures, but my normal computer with the card slot is still mia.

Been listening to MoTab Christmas music yesterday and today. Trying to get into the holiday spirit, but it's hard when you're so stressed.

1 comment:

  1. What matters is the Amazon account attached to the device, not the device itself. So if you've got your own Amazon account you're purchasing ebooks with, you'd have a device connected to that account, and you can have more than one device per account. Type situation.
