Sunday, April 16, 2017

Overdue blog post

Okay so I didn't post the last two weeks; my bad.

General Conference was great; I put up a whole bunch of notes here onto the blog but when I checked again they had all become deleted somehow, and I'm too lazy to write them all up again, so just know I took notes. Speaking of taking notes during General Conference, somebody else did as well! You all know him: it was Henry! (Pictures below)

Two Sundays ago was my 27th birthday! Yay getting older! (Verbal irony.) But my parents did get me Dominion: Hinterlands for my birthday, and $30. Then I went onto Amazon and what did I see? Dominion: Empires for about $29. So I got it with my birthday money (after tithing, of course, who do you think I am, some less active?). Then Hannah got my Dominion: Alchemy, and so now I have every single Dominion card ever made! (Including Dark Ages which my parents got me for Christmas and the update packs for the base set and Intrigue, which my parents also got me for Christmas.) I spent quite a bit of time updating my box(es) for Dominion, and here they are:

Henry's birthday was the 12th! He turned 2! Yay getting older! (No verbal irony, although we will miss his cuteness.) His grandparents Perazzo got him some books and colored pencils, because he loves books and more especially colored pencils. His parents got him some Fisher Price toys. Look at how big he is!

Heather, meanwhile, went down to Lytle Ranch in southern Arizona for a biology trip. She's working in a lab right now at BYU (although it's not for money. Yet.) and there were several different trips she could go on but she decided on last week's trip because I had Spring Break that week and thus was home all day to watch Henry so that we didn't have to freak out about finding a babysitter. Here are some pictures from her trip (including one where she played Dominion with her co-biologists).

Because Heather had the camera, I didn't, but if I did I would have taken pictures of Ryan's visit. Ryan and his girlfriend Emilyn came down to visit Provo after they went to a wedding in Colorado. They arrived right when I was dropping of Heather on campus to meet up with her biologist friends to go down to southern Utah.

Thursday and Friday Becky also came over for a bit and all four of us played games. We played Somerset twice, and Becky won both times. We played lots of Dominion (you know, due to having every card and having them superbly organized). We also played People Zoo, which was one of the games that my Game Design class designed. Also: Bang!, Guillotine, Cover Your A$$ets, Sushi Go!, Hey, that's my Fish!, Yinsh, Feast and Famine, 7 Wonders, and Mystic Vale. And Labyrinth and Dragonwood. And we probably played some more that I can't remember right now. We didn't play Alhambra, but Heather loves playing that game and we've played many times already just the two of us.

On Saturday was our ward Easter Egg hunt and breakfast. Henry got to run around and find eggs, but he wouldn't put the ones he found in his basket, insisting on holding them himself, so he only got about four eggs. Ha, once he went up to another kid and went over to their basket--only to put one of his eggs in their basket. What a sweetie. Once again, no pictures, but Heather did get back Saturday afternoon.

This upcoming Wednesday the 19th I am meeting with Alan Bahr, a professional game designer, and pitching him the game Somerset to hopefully become published. Pray for me! It's super exciting. I think I've worked all the bugs out. I got some good feedback from Eric, Ryan, and Emilyn. And Becky too, she played twice and won both times. So I think it's about ready to be shown off.

I think that's all the exciting news that has happened these last couple of weeks.

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