Sunday, February 12, 2023

eeeeeee, or èéêëēėę?

The Super Bowl is today. But I'm not watching it. Because it's Sunday. Although I'm not really into sports, so it's easier for me. If I was really into sports, it might be more difficult. Today we're going over to my mother-in-law's for dinner. It starts at 4:00. The game starts at 4:30. Coincidence? I think not. We're bringing chips. 

Oh cool. I just help down the e key to type out eeeeeeeee but instead of doing that a little menu popped up above the e with different options: è, é, ê, ë, ē, ė, and ę.  I tried it with o and instead of getting ooooooo I got ô, ö, ò, ó, œ, ø, ō, and õ. I tried it with t and nothing popped up. Maybe t is a boring letter.

Henry and I played a couple of games go Isle of Skye this week. Oh, by the way, after my last blog post my mom got us Isle of Skye for Valentine's Day. Anyway, one of the games Joy also played and the other was just two-player. I let Henry win the first one so that he'd feel happy by "forgetting" to award myself some points. The second game I won.

Right now I'm watching season 3 of The Chosen. Have you watched The Chosen yet? If not, get on that. It's really good.

Valentine's Day is coming up. I know my wife got me some chocolates. I'm not going to say what I got her in case she reads this.

A long, long time ago (March of last year, 2022) I backed a Kickstarter game. It hasn't come yet, which is typically because it usually takes a year to do so. So why am I telling you? Because its estimated delivery date is February of this year. In other words, it should come some time this month. And this time I pledged for the whole game, not just the print-and-play. It's this game by the way.

Okay, I'm going to take a nap now. And I can, because our church got over two hours ago. I taught Elder's Quorum today. It went really well. I teach every second Sunday of the month. That's my calling.

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