Sunday, September 5, 2021

The post where Gunnar and Sharon are probably going to kill each other

On Wednesday we playtested Newlands. Some feedback: It seemed like it would be complex at first, but then turned out to be simple. The lines on the tiles were a bit confusing (I out it on there for artistic qualities). It was tricky at first not being able to just jump over land to put another tile down, but they got the hang of it. If you can't lose points, then tracking points during the game makes more sense than doing all of it at the very end. (Like you're supposed to do in Kingsburg but my family and I never do.)

Everyone has such differing opinions on all topics. I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible for everyone to agree on anything. I have a friend on Facebook, let's call him "Gunnar" is super conservative. And another Facebook friend, let's call her "Sharon" is very liberal. And the stuff they post is so completely opposite of each other it blows my mind that some people can have so completely different opposite view points.

Trump? Gunnar loves Trump, thinks he actual won the election and that it was stolen from him. Sharon hates Trump and celebrated when he lost. Masks? Sharon demands all schools require them. Gunnar thinks it's un-American to require them. Vaccine for Covid-19? Gunnar thinks it's a conspiracy and that it causes problems. Sharon believes that everyone should get it and that if you don't get it you're part of the problem and deserve to get sick. The Texas abortion law? Sharon is ticked and loathes it. Gunnar applauds it as a step in the right direction. Gay marriage and transgender-ness? Gunnar thinks it's a joke and that they're bringing down society. Sharon stands up for them and supports them. Etc. etc.

How can people, that are both logical and rational beings, be so completely dynamically opposed in their thinking on so many subjects? I don't believe that any amount of thinking, reasoning, and logic can get these two to agree. I think that they could talk for days about a topic and each little intricacy and still not agree.

So what's a person supposed to do in this world of so many passionate, strong, differing opinions?

My opinion: I don't know.

Oh, and: Trust in the gospel.

Like, the church's stance on abortion is: 

"The Church opposes elective abortion for personal or social convenience. Members must not submit to, perform, arrange for, pay for, consent to, or encourage an abortion. The only possible exceptions are when:

  • Pregnancy resulted from forcible rape or incest.

  • A competent physician determines that the life or health of the mother is in serious jeopardy.

  • A competent physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth.

Even these exceptions do not automatically justify abortion. Abortion is a most serious matter and should be considered only after the persons responsible have consulted with their bishops and received divine confirmation through prayer."

The Texas law, I've been told, makes no exception for rape or incest. So the Texas law is a lot more intense than the law the most Infinite Being in the Universe, God Himself, has decreed. So does that mean it's wrong? Which would be better: to have it or not to have it? Should government be interfering in these affairs? What's the role of government in topics like this? I'm reminded of the 18th Amendment, which outlawed alcohol. Should the government be in charge or control over the legality of this, or should it be left to the common citizen? 

I can't answer any of those questions. Like Gunnar and Sharon above, I'm sure all sorts of people have all sorts of opinions on the answers to those questions. And each side can pull up evidence supporting their claim.

I think that the best we can do is live the gospel, love others, and follow Christ. 

Otherwise, I have no blooming idea.

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