Sunday, September 13, 2020


I've been having pretty crazy dreams recently. Like a few nights ago I was back in Theater and my dad was still the teacher, and I think I wasn't an actor in the play but a stage hand or something? And anyway this is one of those dreams where you're naked, and I was running back stage hoping not to get seen by the audience that was there to see the play, and I found some clothes and put those on and thought how weird it was that I was running around naked. And then the cast showed up and my job was to roll out big red and white butcher paper on the ground for a carpet or something?

And I have this frequent reoccurring nightmare that I'm running late for a bus or a train. Must be left over remnants from when I took the bus to work. In last night's dream I was trying to take the morning bus to work and work started at 7:25 am and I was worried that the bus wouldn't get me there on time. In other previous dreams I would miss connections or at a bus station not remember which bus I needed to get onto.

Last night I also had a dream where Mr. Beast from youtube held a contest where we had five minutes to find a watch. And me and a whole bunch of other people were at the edge of a field and there were blue and red arrows set up and painted on the ground and the field was big with a few scattered buildings and clumps of trees and whatnot. And my cousin Brent was there with his four-wheeler and I jumped on the back and screamed out "Go go go!" and we raced off but I noticed near the beginning was a guy standing there that looked like he needed help. The arrows were taking us in random directions and Brent stopped to check out a building and I borrowed the four-wheeler and drove back to the one guy and asked him if he had a key. I meant to say watch but key came out instead. And I'm glad it did because he smiled and said yes and gave me a key. Then I quickly drove back to a building and inside was a safe. Mr. Beast said that the five minutes was up. But I still went in and the safe said Private Property of Mr. Beast and [whatever the guy's name was I got the key from]. And the key fit! And I unlocked it and inside was the watch! And I stopped it, and it said five minutes twenty-three seconds or something, so I was over, so I figured I wouldn't win the one million dollar grand prize. And then I was at a bank and for some reason my nametag was labeled wrong and it said "Paul" and then the teller called Paul up and no one was getting up so I got up and said they got my name wrong, and Mr. Beast and the other guy were behind the teller counter and even though I was over the five minute limit they wrote me a check for three thousand dollars.

Oh, by the way, I frequently have dreams when I find random money on the ground. Like, twenty dollar bills I just find on the ground and then there's another and another and I keep them all. This has been in many dreams. I think it's my subconscious's way of dealing with the fact that we are always hurting for money and it's a stress relief or something I guess.

Are these dreams a result of stress? Quarantdream? Who knows?

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