Sunday, May 21, 2017

Dates these last three weeks, plus some big news

Two weekends ago my wife's sister Stacey came for a visit. That Monday we went rafting down the Provo river and went horseback riding. This is the first time I've ever been horseback riding. It was a lot of fun. They were part of the High Adventure experience that Stacey bought us. I took work off (and missed out on some meetings hahaha) and we got babysitters for Henry. Some pictures:

Stacey on left, then me, then Heather

From left to right: Stacey, Heather, Andrew

We went rafting down the Provo Canyon river

I get a kiss on the cheek

We went out to eat later that night, and Henry got some cool new shades which he's sporting in this picture:
Henry rocks his shades
 Stacey stayed at our apartment and slept on our living room floor. Here are some pictures of Henry also conked out on our living room floor:

Heather and Stacey
 The next day I went to work and Heather dropped off Stacey at the airport. Henry then spent the next few hours going goo-goo over the airplanes there.

"Plane! Plane!"
 The next weekend, (about a week ago), Heather and I used our Pass of All Passes to get into Seven Peaks for free and went mini-golfing with Henry. I love mini-golfing, especially on cool outdoor courses, and I love free dates, so it was a win-win.

Henry mini-golfing for the first time

After mini-golfing (Heather beat me) we went to my school where my school's dance team was having a performance. (A free performance, I might add.) It was a lot of fun to be able to support some of my students as they displayed their talents. Also a few of my students specifically invited me so it was nice that I was able to go. After the performances and after talking to some of my students afterwards, Heather, Henry, and I went out for ice-cream.
Me in front of my school, American Preparatory Academy

 This weekend Heather had not one, not three, but two softball games with her co-ed team. (She won both of them by the way.) So Henry and I went out to support her in her playing.  After the second game the team had a BBQ. Heather, Henry and I might have forgot to put on sunscreen and might have gotten a little bit sunburnt.

And then that night we all went to a soccer game. Henry was free and Heather and I got in with our Pass of All Passes. Our team won, 5 to 2.

The big news is that Heather and I are going to have another baby! She will be born sometime in November!

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