Sunday, March 5, 2017

Games in, Plan of Salvation, pics of Henry

The Game Design games came in! They came in on Tuesday, and I spent a lot of Tuesday and Wednesday putting them together, and on Wednesday and Thursday the students picked them up. One thing: the boards for Outbreak are bigger than the boxes for Outbreak. Yep: The board size folded up into quads was still too big to fit into the box I got for the Outbreak game. I'd never gotten that size board before, so I didn't know. I had to literally cut the box, fold a side of it down, and do some fancy tape and cardboard work to it and the top to get the box to be just barely wide enough to fit its board.

Eric got himself a copy of Outbreak, which I will be sending him along with the copy of Somerset I spent a lot of Friday putting together. Friday was parent-teacher conferences instead of school, so when a parent wasn't talking with me and I was by myself in the classroom I starting putting together the Somerset games for Eric and Ryan and for Home. They should be in the mail Tuesday, if not Monday. Speaking of which, Eric and Ryan I need your address.

Normally the Outbreak game cost thirty-something dollars, but Eric's copy is free for him. Why? Because of the amazing artwork he did for my Plan of Salvation card game.
Here's the backs of the cards he did:

And the fronts:

And here are the rules I wrote up:

As many of you know, in a few weeks I'm going to pitch Somerset to a professional game designer in the hopes that it will be published (which is why I need you to play test it! to get out the flaws! I've already play tested it a ton and have gotten rid of many flaws, and am now in the nitty-gritty stage of things) so that's one game that will hopefully be published.

I recently e-mailed Phil, from Covenant Publishing, about this Plan of Salvation game, just like I did a year ago with my Golden Plates game. And, once again, he said yes and wants me to send in a prototype so that they can playtest it and hopefully even publish it. Yay!

So that's two games now that are in the process of getting published.

Okay, so my mom asked for pictures of Henry, and I didn't want to disappoint, so here's 14 of them:

Henry loves drawing! It's one of his favorite activities now.

He also likes to line up the magnet letters on the fridge, and can even recognize some of the letters!

Here's a baby bottom picture for one of his wedding slideshow photos:

Henry also likes getting into trouble eating what he's not supposed to, such as mommy's chocolates.

And making messes with his food. In this case, cheese! All over our living room.

Yay! Mommy taught him how to clean, and he had a blast cleaning the toilet and tub.

Henry's face is just precious here:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the photos!!! And I can't wait to see the game. I will email you the boys' address.
