Now that it's the 20th, my brother Eric's birthday is today. Happy birthday Eric!
Eric is turning 31. I am 32. My students keep trying to get me to tell them my age but hahaha I haven't.
Valentine's Day, along with Saint Patrick's Day, are two holidays where we still go to school.
Easter is on a Sunday always so it never hits a school day. Henry was curious about that.
Right now it's near Thanksgiving and Christmas and Veteran's Day, all of which school is out.
Go figure. So I guess it makes sense that Henry would think that all holidays we got school out.
On the other hand, Halloween was on a school day this year. And kids dress up for that.
Never gets old, dressing up for Halloween. Some kids think they're "too old" or some other dumb excuse.
Next year I'm going to dress up again. Not sure as what, though. It'll be something cool though.
A monster with tentacles coming out of its head or something. Or not; that's kind of gross.
Gross costumes aren't really Heather's thing. Or mine. I do like funny/clever costumes.
I made my own costume this year to be funny/clever. A squid with game pieces and a "Squid Game" sign.
Very creative, in my humble opinion. I just need to use that creativity towards something permanent.
Every day I know I should be writing more in my book, but I keep procrastinating.
Yesterday I even had plenty of time to do it, but I didn't write a single word.
Only I am able to do it. It's not like I could pay someone to do it for me.
Unless I could transfer my ideas into their brain. But would that make them... me?
Ugh, I don't understand the idea of individuality. Like, what is my consciousness?
Perhaps one day in the future we can transfer our consciousness into other bodies.
Not that that will happen in my lifetime, but still... and then the question arises: who are you?
Eric I'm sure has had these cool meta thoughts before. Questions about existence, about life.
Very seldomly do I find answers to these questions. But I think memory has a big part to play.
Every person thinks that they are them, and that they are not other people. Why? Memories.
Remember the time when such and such? No? Then that means the person doing it wasn't you.
Great. But I've done many things that I can't remember because my memory is bad.
One person once write a short story called "The Egg" in which every person in history was the same.
Newer, better explanation: after death God reincarnates the one entity somewhere in time.
Near the end of history, that one entity has been every single person. In every single time.
All of history was just the one consciousness interacting with past and future versions of themselves.
Learning. That's what the experience was all about. Becoming something better.
Exactly like the true gospel teaches: that we are here to learn and grow from experiences.
Thankfully I don't have to be every single victim of every single war. Or the people that killed them.
You'd think that it'd be cool, because you'd get to be every rich person ever, but I disagree.
On this earth I think a lot more people have it bad than have it good. I'm satisfied with my life.
Underneath all the hard things, I'm still glad to be me. Living my own individual life.
Don't get me wrong, it'd be nice to be rich, but I'm thankful for what I do have.
Okay, okay, you're probably tired of reading this blog post, and want to know what's so important.
Well, first off, it's a secret code. It's very important that you figure it out. Here it is...
Now go back to the top of this post and put together the first letter of each line.