Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thanksgiving coming up/The present doesn't exist

 Thanksgiving is coming up soon. 

I remeber that last year at Thanksgiving was the most recent time I'd been in Fallon. Almost a year ago now. And I think, as I continue to grow older and older, and have more children adn then grandchildren of my own, visitng Fallon will become less and less important. And that makes me sad. 

Truth is, most of my entire life was still spent there, in Fallon. But lsat trip there I was talking to my wife and mentioned how now that I was in Fallon, what did that mean? What was the purpose of being there in the present as opposed to having memories of it in the past? What differenciates the present from the past or future at all? 

I can have memories of the past, and daydream about the future. Both can take place in the same place, such as Fallon. Also in the same place, such as my mind and thoughts. One could say that the only difference with the present is the abilty to interact with it. But what good is interacting with something when later on that will just be part of the past? Something that you can think of in a memory but once again not being able to interact with it.

And interacting with something is so, so tiny. Just the tiniest sliver of time when you can, and then it's sucked into the past with the never-ending suction of time, constantly and always pulling you on, forcing you to move, all the while while it creates the never-real present into the always-there past. 

Even the future, no matter how far away it is, will still be "in the past" for a lot longer than it will be in the future. So the past is the longest time, the future the next longest, and the present, is, comparitively, nothing. Even compared to the length of a second it is even smaller-infintesimly small. So small does it even exist at all?

I end this post with a quote from the rom-com I.Q., in which one of Albert Einstein's friends says, "Because as you're telling me, the future has become the past, therefore there is no present, therefore time doesn't exist!"

1 comment:

  1. ... wow you can make life seem unimportant by viewing it like that... go hug your wife and kids and enjoy the present moment ... you are welcome back anytime so that you can make more memories to enjoy in the future.

    Jacob 7:26 our lives passed away as it were unto us a dream...

    Love you!
