Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thanksgiving coming up/The present doesn't exist

 Thanksgiving is coming up soon. 

I remeber that last year at Thanksgiving was the most recent time I'd been in Fallon. Almost a year ago now. And I think, as I continue to grow older and older, and have more children adn then grandchildren of my own, visitng Fallon will become less and less important. And that makes me sad. 

Truth is, most of my entire life was still spent there, in Fallon. But lsat trip there I was talking to my wife and mentioned how now that I was in Fallon, what did that mean? What was the purpose of being there in the present as opposed to having memories of it in the past? What differenciates the present from the past or future at all? 

I can have memories of the past, and daydream about the future. Both can take place in the same place, such as Fallon. Also in the same place, such as my mind and thoughts. One could say that the only difference with the present is the abilty to interact with it. But what good is interacting with something when later on that will just be part of the past? Something that you can think of in a memory but once again not being able to interact with it.

And interacting with something is so, so tiny. Just the tiniest sliver of time when you can, and then it's sucked into the past with the never-ending suction of time, constantly and always pulling you on, forcing you to move, all the while while it creates the never-real present into the always-there past. 

Even the future, no matter how far away it is, will still be "in the past" for a lot longer than it will be in the future. So the past is the longest time, the future the next longest, and the present, is, comparitively, nothing. Even compared to the length of a second it is even smaller-infintesimly small. So small does it even exist at all?

I end this post with a quote from the rom-com I.Q., in which one of Albert Einstein's friends says, "Because as you're telling me, the future has become the past, therefore there is no present, therefore time doesn't exist!"

Sunday, November 8, 2020

General Conference Notes (October 2020)


Saturday Morning Session:

President Russell M. Nelson:

Main Idea: We can use these unusal times to bring unusaul rewards.

Invitation: Ponder the promise the Lord has made: whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God which shall divide asunder the wiles of the devil and lead you in a strait and narrow course.

Elder David A. Bednar:

Main Idea: This life is a test full of trials.

Story: As a University Professor he learned that periodic tests are essentail for learning.

Main Ideas: (1) the principle of prepararation, and (2) the principle of pressing forward with a steadfastness in Christ.

Promise: As we prepare and press forward with faith in the Savior, we can hear the Lord say "well done thou good and faithful servant."

Elder Scott D. Whiting:

Main Idea: Becoming as Christ is.

Story: He climbed to the top of Mount Fuji, step by step.

Sister Michelle D. Craig:

Main Idea: God gives us eyes to see.

Story: Was in line at a store and saw the guy in front of her with cat food. Started a conversation instead of looking at her phone and it was his birthday.

Promise: Through the power of the Holy Ghost, Christ will enable us to see ourselves and see others as He does. With his help, we can discern what is most needful.

Elder Quentin L. Cook:

Main Idea: Be unified.

Story: Early Saints fed the Native Americans and treated them with just as much respect as other Saints.

Command: Let us commit ourselves as members of the Lord's Church to live righteously and be united as never before.

Cool fact I didn't know: Race is not identified on membership records.

Elder Ronald A. Rasband:

Main Idea: A current Temple reccomend isn't a check-list. It should be a badge of obediecne, not a means to an end.

Story: His father-in-law wanted a current Temple reccommend on his death bed.

Promise: As you strive to redouble your righteous efforts, you will feel renewed in your devotion to God the Father and Jesus Christ, you will feel an abundance of the Holy Ghost guiding you, you will be grateful for your sacred covenants, and you will feel peace knowing you are “recommended to the Lord.”

President Dallin H. Oaks:

Main Idea: We must forego hatred that is often found in politices. Love your enemies. Don't contend with anger.

Main Idea: Render to God the things that are God's, and obey the laws of the land. If you want, you can be a peaceful protestor, but don't be a looting rioter that breaks the law.

Main Idea: Racism is wrong.

Saturday Afternoon Session:

Elder D. Todd Christofferson:

Main Idea: Living the Gospel will help create a sustainable society.

Story: The City of Zion and the people of Nephi after Christ's visit were peaceful, utopian societies because they loved God and their fellow man and were obedient.

Main Idea: To have a happy, well-functioning society we must rely on the Gospel and God. A society in which individual consent is the only constraint on sexual activity is a society in decay. This "sexual revolution" only leads to heartbreak and despair.

Elder Steven J. Lund:

Main Idea: The surest way to find joy in this life is to follow Christ in helping and serving others.

Story: Son Tanner had cancer and was very weak, but still insisted on passing the sacrament.

Elder Gerrit W. Gong:

Main Idea: We cna change the world, one person at a time, from the inside out. All of God's promises are fulfilled whether sooner or later.

Story: An active member family's house burned down. This caused the neighborhood to become more friendly towards them.

Main Idea: Since Joseph Smith restored the Church, the Truth can gone forth to all nations, kindreds, tonges, and people.

Story: Haitians planted trees. Who will eat the fruit of them? "Whoever is hungry."

Bishop W. Chistopher Waddell:

Main Idea: Be self-reliant. Be prepared.

Story: Joseph in Egypt saved during the 7 years of plenty to make it through the 7 years of famine.

Promise: As we embrace spiritual principles and seek inspiration from the Lord, we will be guided to know the Lord’s will for us, individually and as families, and how best to apply the important principles of temporal preparedness.

Elder Matthew S. Holland:

Main Idea: Through Jesus Christ, we can escape the deserved agonies of our moral failings and overcome the undeserved agonies of our mortal misfortunes.

Main Idea: "We must never forget that the very purpose of repentance is to take certain misery and transform it into pure bliss."

Invitation: Do what Alma did: let your mind catch hold on the exquisite gift of the Son of God as revealed through His gospel in this, His true and living Church.

Elder William K. Jackson:

Main Idea: We should all join the Heavenly Culture of all being siblings, children of loving Heavenly Parents.

Story: A man felt that it would betray his Singapore culture to join the church.

Main Idea: The culture of Adam and Enoch is one of learning and study, of faith and obedience, missionary work, the sanctity of the family, is inclusive, and its perpective is of Eternal focus.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

Main Idea: Sometimes God uses adversity to bring to pass His great purposes.

Story: The original Salt Lake City Temple cornerstones were sandstone, but when they were buried and unburied they cracked.

Main Idea: The righteous weren't given a free pass to avoid trails. We are God's children ad He won't give up on us. This pandemic did not take him by surprize. 

Main Idea: You can't choose adversatiys, but you can choose how to respond to them. Return to the fundamentals. Focus on the things you can do, not the things you cannot.

Invitation:  “cheerfully do all things that lie in [your] power; and then may [you] stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.” 

Promise: The Lord will cause unimaginable things to come from your righteous labors.

Sunday Morning Session:

President M. Russell Ballard:

Main Idea: Pray always. Prayer is awesome.

Invitation: No matter how you pray or to whom you pray, please exercise your faith—whatever your faith may be—and pray for your country and for your national leaders.

Invitation: Pray always. Pray for your family. Pray for the leaders of nations. Pray for the courageous people who are on the front lines in the current battles against social, environmental, political, and biological plagues that impact all people throughout the world: the rich and the poor, the young and the old.

Invitation: Redouble your commitment to prayer. Pray in your closets, in your daily walk, in your homes, in your wards, and always in your hearts. Watch ye therefore, and pray always for peace, for comfort, for safety, and for opportunities to serve one another.

Story: His hand was black and blue and he couldn't focus on his work, so he prayed and he was able to focus and get his work done.

Sister Lisa L. Harkness:

Main Idea: In trals our faith can be not only tried but also fortified.

Story: Child with lifejacket jumped in lake. Was safe, but cried out "Help me!"

Story: Jesus's apostles in the storm cried out for Christ to save them.

Main Idea: Faith pushes through discouragement. Our faith increases as we choose to believe rather than doubt, forgive rather than judge, repent rather than rebel.

Elder Ulisses Soares

Story: Just like metal gets more attracted to a magnet the closer it gets to it, yeilding to temptation is easier if we allow ourselves to go near it. If we are far from where we can be tempted, then we are like metal far away from a magnet. 

Main Idea: As we resist temptation and stay away from it it loses its power.

Promise: As we say "no" and "get thee hence" to temptation, the Lord will send an added measure of His Holy Spirit to strengthen and comfort us.

Elder Carlos A. Godoy

Main Idea: Angels are among us, on both sides of the veil.

Promise: If we are willing to serve, the Lord will give us opportunities to be ministering angels.

Elder Neil L. Andersen

Main Idea: We must talk of Christ, study about Christ.

Promise: As our true colors as His disciples are revealed, many around us will be prepared to listen. As we share the light we have received from Him, His light and His transcendent saving power will shine on those willing to open their hearts.

Command: As the world speaks less of Jesus Christ, let us speak more of Him.

President Russel M. Nelson

Main Idea: "Let God prevail" is one meaning of "Isreal."

Main Idea: The gathering of Isreal is right now, and we have been called to assit in the work.

Story: Jill's father was dieing. Miopic: near-sighted. Word caused Jill to stop, think, heal, and seek the Eternal.

Main Idea: Racism is bad.

Command: Abandon racist attitudes.

Main Idea: Our will must be swallowed up in God's will. Let God prevail in your life. It takes faith and courage to let God prevail.

Command: As you study your scriptures during the next six months, I encourage you to make a list of all that the Lord has promised He will do for covenant Israel. I think you will be astounded! Ponder these promises. Talk about them with your family and friends. Then live and watch for these promises to be fulfilled in your own life.

Sunday Afternoon Session

President Henry B. Eyring

Main Idea: Life s supposed to be hard.

Story: He was pulling weeds with his mom. His mom tolds him, "Oh, Hal, of course it’s hard. It’s supposed to be. Life is a test."

Main Idea: Christ knows how to succor us in our afflictions. After much trial and tribulation come the blessings. The best blessing is a change in our natures.

Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi

Main Idea: Patience.

Story: In 2019 they decided to make "Count it all Joy" 2020 shirts. (It's funny because 2020's the worst.)

Main Idea: As our pateince increases, our fath increases, and as our faith increases, our joy increases.

Cool Fact I dind't Know: Fast Offerings donations actually increased in 2020.

Story: Even the Coty of Enoch (Zion) took 365 years before they were translated.

Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Story: On his mission in Japan, he was invited to see the prophet, ut couldn't because it was too far. It was a momentous meeting because President Kimbal announced a Temple in Tokyo. Elder Stevenson felt disappointment about missing that meeting.

Main Idea: Many feel disappointments. In 1 Nephi 1:1 Nephi says that he has seen afflictions in his days, but also saw how he had been lessed by the Lord in all his days.

Main Idea: The Lord prepared the church before the pandemic. One day we'll look back at these trials and see them overshadowed by blessings.

Elder Milton da Rocha Camargo

Main Idea: Revelation is essentail to spiritual survival. Everyone that asks receieves.

Main Idea: Recording our impressings is an important part of receving them. Receving blessings requires spiritual labor. Revelation often comes when we're in the act of doing good.

Elder Dale G. Renlund

Main Idea: Good deeds are not sufficant. Salvation is not earned.

Main Idea: Do Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly with God.

Main Idea: God delights in Mercy and does not begrudge its use. We should delight that God extends that same Mercy to others as He does to us.

Main Idea: People who love Mercy are not judgemental.

Elder Kelly R. Johnson

Main Idea: Be armed with Power. The power of God is the power to do more than we can by just ourselves.

Story: Daughter set their microwave oven on fire, and he spun it around his head out into the back yard.

Main Idea: If we are not filled with power, Satan can catch us on fire (figuratively) just as a mcrowave iven catches on fire if nothing is inside it (literally).

Invitation: I invite you to seek the power God wants to give you.

Elder Jeffery R. Holland

Main Idea: We often ask how long trials will be with us. Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail cried out "How Long?"

Apostolic Promise: I offer you my apostolic promise that they are heard and they are answered, though perhaps not at the time or in the way we wanted. But they are always answered at the time and in the way an omniscient and eternally compassionate parent should answer them.

Main Idea: Blessings will come to those who hold fast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. THey will come y and by.

President Russel M. Nelson

Min Idea: We live in a glorious age, foreseen by prophets for centuries. This is the dispensation when no spiritual blessing will be withheld from the righteous.

Main Idea: Our challenge is to achieve our Divine potential. 

Invitation: If you really want to embrace a new normal, I invite you to turn your heart, mind, and soul increasingly to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Let that be your new normal.

Blessings and Promises: I bless you to be filled with the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. His peace is beyond all mortal understanding. I bless you with an increased desire and ability to obey the laws of God. I promise that as you do, you will be showered with blessings, including greater courage, increased personal revelation, sweeter harmony in your homes, and joy even amid uncertainty.