Monday, August 13, 2018

Good News Bad News

Well, I finally did it. After months and months of work, I finalized the Dragonsteel Prime summary. Then I spent time working on getting the formatting right for the wiki, as there are certain symbols you use to make headings and what not. Then, finally, I posted it for the world to see.

It was taken down about an hour later.

I was sent a message form the administrator which says "Please do not post this info. It is not publicly available and Peter (Brandon's assistant) has often redacted material from Dragonsteel Prime. Please enjoy it in private."

So... I still don't consider it a total waste. At least my family and whoever else reads this blog gets to read it. So ha.

I finally got my score back from the test I took that I needed to get over a 220 on to get my teacher's license. I got a 277! If the test is out of 300, which I'm pretty sure it is, that means I got an A on it. So the only thing that's left to do is my student teaching and I'll be done. But in order to do my student teaching I need my fingerprint cards to go through on time, so I pray that that happens....

We're moving in less than a week now. And Hannah's getting married in two days. Crazy.

My parents came to visit last week. They could only stay for a bit, but it was fun. We played Kingsburg and talked.

Eric and Alex also called me yesterday, but my battery died part way through our conversation, so sorry guys! We were talking about games.

Speaking of games, we went over to Brandon and Calista's tonight and ate food and played Camel Cup. Good times.


  1. Wonder if they'll allow it on the wiki now that the book is officially released?
