Sunday, February 11, 2018

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May

I wasn't able to post last eek or the one before for some reason becasue my computer was wigging out somehow. Anyway, so I'm posting this week. Yay!

Okay, so I'm almost done with this new game I made. I don't know what to call it yet, but it's similar to the style of Sushi Go!, Treasure Hunter, and 7 Wonders, that is, it's a card drafting game. In it you're building up a tiny kingdom. Craftsmen and workers allow you to take stone, while princesses let you build small castles and princes let you build large castles. The King and the Queen will let you build either a small or a big castle. Knights allow you to go on quests. Soldiers add to your army. Peasants do nothing, but certain cards can only be played if you have a certain number of peasants. Priests "covert" one of your neighbor's cards, stealing it from him that turn. Those are the basics.

The Life, the Universe, and Everything conference is coming up this weekend. I already got my ticket and it should be really good. I'm going to meet Alan Bahr again of course, but some of the workshops there look really good as well. And the week after that my mom is coming to visit for a week.

This week is Valentine's Day. Yesterday (Saturday) our ward had a Valentine's Day party. They had Mexican food and cobbler and we played Bunco (my parents met at a ward activity playing Bunco) and there was a dance afterward. We got a babysitter to watch Henry and Joy.

Speaking of Joy, she is so cute! Speaking of Joy being so cute, this computer has about zero free memory and so I can't download any pictures to show you and the screen on the other computer is broken and ahhh all I want to do is oput a picture up here, that shouldn't be too hard, should it?

I was hired on to be a math teacher/tutor! It's only four hours a week though, two or three on Monday and two or one on Wednesday. I'll either start this week or next. Hopefully next because this Wednesday is Valentine's Day.

My wife has been playing a lot of games with me recently and I love her so much for it. The games we've played the most of are Century: Golem Edition, and Alhambra. She's way good at Alhambra. We have yet to try out my new kingdom building game, but I'm still working out some bugs on that one.

Yesterday at the ward activity we sat next to Richard Leo. I looked familiar to him and he asked me what my last name was. When I told him Perazzo he asked if Eric was my brother. I said yes, and he told me that him and Ryan and Eric were roommates at BYU-I and that he was Ryan's home teaching companion. And now he's in my ward here. Crazy.

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