So, I could have sworn my brother Eric posted something about this previously on his blog, but looking through it I can't find it. Anyway, Wes Anderson, the guy that did Fantastic Mr. Fox, is coming out with another movie which looks and feels much the same style. It is called Isle of Dogs, and they just came out with a new trailer the other day.
There was a Kickstarter game project that ended the other day. I didn't back it due to lack of money even though it looked really fun. Plus, I didn't need to back it because it had a free Print and Play that I have already printed out and made and played with myself a couple of times. Anyway, it was called Horizons and it's like this 4X style game only it plays in less than an hour instead of like 5 hours which is the amount of time 4X style games usually play. (4X stands for Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate, and is the type of game where you explore and build your own civilization and build cities and colonies and such).
Okay, so A Thousand Faces, (the game based on Hero with A Thousand Faces), it's getting closer to being done. Working on some card names and I still need to figure out the third part, Return, and how everything will fit together, and I'm thinking, what if I Kickstart this? And then I'm thinking, I looked it up and it turns out that Hero with A Thousand Faces I guess actually isn't in the public domain, it still has copyright? So I'll have to contact them if I want to Kickstart it? And work with a game company? Man, I don't know how this works.